
Что же делать с экстрасенсами и не только с ними?

Часть 1. Не о себе, но о своём

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Parapsychology and Psychophysics - The selected works.

Parapsychology and Psychophysics - The selected works.

English edition.

1993, №1

Popular scientific section

Principle aim of the Leonid Vasilyev Fund of parapsychology (2-5)
"Parapsychology and Psychophysics". The Journal of L.L.Vasilyev Fund of Parapsychology (5-8)
A.G.Lee. Russian explanatory dictionary of parapsychological terms and classification of parapsychological phenomena (9-13)
A.P.Dubrov. Parapsychology and integrative knowledge: an attempt to address the main problems (14-20)

Scientific section

L.B.Boldyreva, N.B.Sotina. Quantum mechanical approach to some phenomena of psychophysics (21-23)
N.E.Sviderskaya, T.A.Korolkova, A.G.Lee. The possibilities and outlook of use of topographic mapping of bioelectrical processes for parapsychological investigations (24-30)
A.G.Lee, S.V.Makarevitch. The instrumental methods of biofield investigations (31-35)
V.I.Karcev. Gamma-radiation in the lethal interval and bioenergotherapy (35-39)
A.G.Chunovkina, A.G.Lee. The mathematical methods of expert information processing in parapsychology and biolocation (39-48)
A.G.Lee. The application of nontraditional methods of prognosis (clairvoyance and proscopy) in insurance and business (49-50)

1994, №1

Popular scientific section

A.P.Dubrov. Nontraditional methods of aging prevention (2-5)
G.N.Dulnev, A.N.Khlunovsky, S.A.Lytaev, G.N.Vasilyeva. Methodology of psi-phenomena investigations (5-9)

Scientific section

L.B.Boldyreva, N.B.Sotina. An approach to psychophysics based on a model of superfluid physical vacuum (10-12)
A.G.Lee. Elaboration of methods of a special states of consciousness control for revealing of extrasensory abilities of a person (13-35)
Yu.N.Zhyvluk, E.S.Vinogradova, V.S.Khlomov. A complex study of a spoon subjected to Uriah Heller phenomenon (36-43)
A.G.Lee, A.G.Chunovkina. About statistical approach to processing and interpretation of experimental results on revealing the human abilities to the extrasensory perception (43-49)
I.S.Dobronravova, N.N.Lebedeva. Characteristics of hemispheric relations of EEG coherence in receivers and senders during autogenous activity (50-52)
A.G.Lee. Extrasensory phenomena in the psychiatric clinic (53-56)